
Serial Interface Protocols used:

● SPI (camera to Arduino, display, and microSD)
● UART (Arduino to STM)
● I2C (camera sensor, delegated by Arduino)

Pins used:

Arducam -> Arduino (SPI, I2C)
CS (grey) - 7
MOSI (purple) - 11
MISO (blue) - 12
SCK (green) - 13
GND (blue) - GND
VCC (yellow) - 5V
SDA (green) - SDA
SCL (white) - SCL

Arduino -> Nucleo (USART)
TX (green) -> voltage divider -> PB7 (orange)
RX (blue) -> PB6 (white)

SD card -> Nucleo (SPI)
CS (yellow) - PA15
SCK (orange) - PC10
MOSI (red) - PC12
MISO (brown) - PC11
VCC (red) - 5V
GND (black) - GND

LCD -> Nucleo (SPI)
VDD (red) - 5V
GND (black) - GND
CS (yellow) - PA4
RST (orange) - PA8
DC (blue) - PA10
MOSI (green) - PB5
SCK (white) - PB3
LED (red) - 5V
SDO(MISO) (green) - PB4